If you listen regularly to my podcast, you might expect me to dish about my hometown visits with charming gents, or other dating escapades. While these stories entertain my married friends, during my eight-month hiatus I did things more profound (and enjoyable) than making romantic connections. Surprised? Me too!
I confess I enjoyed some dalliances, including a “90-Day Relationship,” (sounds like a reality TV show, doesn’t it?) But I chose to spend more time meeting divorced people seeking community connection. It has been amazing.
While I always enjoy time with Mic (my audio side-kick and the best listener I’ve ever known,) the social bee in me longed for more face-time with people on a similar divorced journey seeking playful interactions without a romantic component. And so, I began my social adventures in January with a “New Year, New You” event. We enjoyed each other’s company over custom cocktails and laughter, playing silly ice-breaker games. It was F’n AWESOME! The evening ended with an impromptu dance party for a handful of us night owls.
That feel-good evening inspired me to plan more events for divorced singles. Starting locally, I put together a dance meet-up at the Wabasha Street Caves in St. Paul, where 50+ year old divorcees salsa-danced their hearts out.
Then, I ventured outside the (all-to-familiar) borders of my home state of Minnesota.
In Denver, Colorado, I enjoyed candid dinner conversations with over a dozen divorced dads who shared they ARE looking for Love! In Chicago, Illinois, I indulged in happyhour cocktails and breezy chats at an exciting nightclub with funny and kind divorcees; all of us thoroughly enjoying the reality of our new lives.
Every event I’ve hosted has left me feeling fantastic, and connected to a community
that--like me--chooses to be “Divorced and Happy.”
Additionally, I’ve enjoyed phone calls, zoom calls and IG Lives with fellow divorced friends who I’ve been so lucky to meet, thanks to Social Media (in particular through Instagram, or “the Gram” as I like to call it.) We’ve swapped our new beginning stories, shared small wins, compared dating strategies and deepened our connection. Our weekly conversations keep me inspired and feeling supported.
If only I could wave a magic wand to transport myself to your city. I’d chat with you about your happiest day since your divorce. I’d ask about your Act Two bucket list. I’d share my 90-Day Relationship journey…what if I told you it could transform you…or at the very least…make you less afraid to make a commitment?
(If this has you curious, be sure to listen to this season’s podcast!)
Since I don’t own a wand (except for the one in my bedside table—TMI?) I have created a fun and FREE contest for divorced singles! You could win: a pre-event podcast episode with me and Mic, a unique meet-up event in your city, a scrumptious dinner, and a hopefully, after Mic and I say goodbye, you’ll have met some interesting people to spend time with!
So many indulgences await us in Season Four. We’ll experience laugh-out-loud conversations, see what the stars have in store for us, and learn how to enjoy some “safe D” and “safe V” (exxtra spicy content) and we’ll treat ourselves to more playful, zesty, out-of-the-box topics.
ENTER CONTEST TODAY! You must enter by September 16th

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